Interaction-aware Joint Attention Estimation Using People Attributes

1Toyota Technological Institute, Japan 2University of Hyogo, Japan


This paper proposes joint attention estimation in a single image. Different from related work in which only the gazerelated attributes of people are independently employed, (i) their locations and actions are also employed as contextual cues for weighting their attributes, and (ii) interactions among all of these attributes are explicitly modeled in our method. For the interaction modeling, we propose a novel Transformer-based attention network to encode joint attention as low-dimensional features. We introduce a specialized MLP head with positional embedding to the Transformer so that it predicts pixelwise confidence of joint attention for generating the confidence heatmap. This pixelwise prediction improves the heatmap accuracy by avoiding the ill-posed problem in which the high-dimensional heatmap is predicted from the low-dimensional features. The estimated joint attention is further improved by being integrated with general image-based attention estimation. Our method outperforms SOTA methods quantitatively in comparative experiments. Code: PJAE.

Video Presentation



        author    = {Nakatani, Chihiro and Kawashima, Hiroaki and Ukita, Norimichi},
        title     = {Interaction-aware Joint Attention Estimation Using People Attributes},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
        month     = {October},
        year      = {2023},
        pages     = {10224-10233}