前列左:ROCA,RonelChristian 助教、前列右:加藤康作 PD研究員
ROCA,RonelChristian 助教(量子界面物性研究室)、加藤康作 PD研究員(光反応化学研究室)が豊田奨学基金 研究賞 研究奨励賞を受賞しました。
- 制度概要 将来の進展が大いに期待される萌芽的研究を行った教員およびポストドクトラル(PD)研究員に対し、さらなる研究推進の奨励を目的として授与する。
受賞日 2022年3月11日
研究内容/受賞コメント(ROCA,RonelChristian 助教)
Nanostructures are very small-sized materials (1 nanometer = 0.000001mm) that have remarkable properties. In our research, we have tried to control the formation and assembly of nanostructures made from Indium Arsenide material. These nanostructures have a lot of potential applications for devices, ranging from lasers, solar cells, and others.
We hope that by better controlling the formation of these nanostructures, we can make even better devices in the future.
It is a great honor to have been selected for the award. This achievement is only possible with the continuous support and guidance of Prof. Itaru Kamiya. I know that I still have a lot more to learn, but with the help and collaboration with Professors in TTI, I believe we can achieve even better results in the study of these novel nanostructures.
研究内容/受賞コメント(加藤康作 PD研究員)